[Note: The list below includes some obsolete or dropped versions. As of Fall 2023, working versions of the apps can also be found on UCLA Box].
Microsoft Windows, Office, and Visual Studio
The following software is available for use by department faculty, staff, and students on institution-owned computer designated for your exclusive use.
- Microsoft Windows 10 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
- Microsoft Windows 10 Education
- Windows 8.1 Professional
- Windows 8 Enterprise
- Windows 7 Enterprise
- Office 2016 Pro Plus
- Office 2016 for OS X
- Office 2013 Pro Plus
- Visual Studio Pro 2015
- Visual Studio Pro 2008
Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator
The UCLA community now has access to Adobe Creative Cloud which includes the Acrobat app. Installation instructions can be found at here. For more information please visit the campus IT Support FAQ.
Note: You will have to periodically renew your free license with the Adobe license activation site
We have a department license for IDL. Click the link below for instructions.
Mathematica (Wolfram Research)
We now have a campus-wide agreement where if you have an @ucla.edu address, you can follow these directions to activate Mathematica as many times as you want.
Request licensing (faculty, staff, student machines):
- Enter your ucla.edu email at the following URL: https://www.wolfram.com/siteinfo/
- Click "Get Mathematica"; new users are prompted to create a WolframID
- Fill out form multiple times for installations on multiple machines (need one key per machine)
- Licensing information will be emailed, or can be found at user.wolfram.com
We host a 10,000 seat license for the entire campus to use.
The department maintains a site-license for LABVIEW, which is available to research groups who have paid a $480 recharge.
The Astronomy department has a volume license for Supermongo.
MATLAB (MathWorks)
There is a campus-wide license for MATLAB that you can take advantage of if you have an @ucla.edu address. You will actually need to have or create a Mathworks account with your @ucla.edu email address in order to download it from here: Mathworks UCLA Portal
AutoDesk licensing is handled on an individual/group level. There is no Department-wide initiative. Campus has an agreement in place and you can get more info (& purchase) via UCLA Software Central: