August 5, 2019: The Physics & Astronomy VPN service experienced an outage over the weekend of August 3-4, but the server is back online and is now operational.
June 27, 2019: Gradescope has been assigned to CCLE developers, who will be working to configure this resource for use within CCLE. Their goal is to have Gradescope available for use by Fall 2019.
June 18, 2019: CCLE has just updated its operating system from Moodle 3.4 to Moodle 3.5, including upgrades and security improvements to its platform.
To find out more about these changes, read this summary.
June 4, 2019: Gradescope is a STEM-oriented assignment tool that makes it easier to grade handwritten, paper-based assignments. It's been used at UC Berkeley and is gaining acceptance at UCLA, particularly in Physics & Astronomy.
At present there are some demo and free accounts available. UCLA is exploring usage of Gradescope and has acquired a license for the product. According to Jim Williamson, Director of Campus Educational Technology Systems & Administration/OIT, the Universty of California signed an agreement with Gradescope in April 2019. UCLA has just starting to gathering information about expected need, funding models, etc.
The faculty interest effort is being championed by Erin Sanders (CEILS). Prof. Jan Reiff, academic senate liaison for online education, has been working with the Deans to identify a funding model. There is no immediate schedule of availability for Gradescope at UCLA, but OIT is working on this.
Erin Sanders is available at at the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences. Please contact Erin for further information about licensing Gradescope for use in your courses.
More information on the University of California's Gradescope agreement is available here.
June 1, 2019: On June 18, 2019 CCLE plans to move its latest software to production. Moodle 3.5 is the platform used by CCLE to provide course pages and information.
Improvements will include increased security and functionality. There are some cosmetic improvements to the fonts and page styling to enhance readability as well.
Users will be able to access their course sites as usual and no upgrade outages are planned.