New User Account Request Form

Please use the form below to request a Physics & Astronomy department user account and e-mail address. Accounts are available to faculty, staff, graduate students, authorized collaborators, researchers, and visiting scholars. Please indicate your PI or your graduate/researcher supervisor. These accounts are not available to undergraduate students.

If your eligibility can be verified, we'll send your newly created username, password, and e-mail access instructions to the non-UCLA PnA address provided. If your affiliation with Physics & Astronomy cannot be verified, we'll delete your request.

If you are an undergraduate student needing access to lab computers, please click here for the Undergraduate Student Account Request form.

Your e-mail address will be in the format of [username] or [username]

If you are a visitor, please indicate when your assignment will end. Your account will be configured to expire after this date.
Your non-UCLA PnA e-mail address.
If applying as a researcher or collaborator, specify the faculty member who is authorizing your account. They will be contacted for approval before the account is provisioned.
Secondary username if the preferred username is already in use.

Needed Resources

Please indicate whether you will need a network home directory. A home directory is network file storage that can be used for research documents, a personal webpage, or other files.
Please indicate whether you will need a departmental e-mail account.
If you will need access to any specific network resources, please note them above.